In the light of information

PULS is a comprehensive urban smart lighting system designed for tomorrow’s smart cities and communities, formed through the collaboration of three Slovenian companies: GeoEnergetika, d.o.o., Impedanca d.o.o., and Garex d.o.o. PULS is a synthesis of two innovative and complementary components: the e-SMS smart lighting system and the Smart cities management platform. Joined in a single product, these two components allow for broad, localized, and detailed collection of data parameters and, consequently, systematic management of urban environments.

Besides helping communities grow smarter, PULS will also help partners establish themselves in international markets as leading providers of smart solutions. After careful analysis, we decided to focus our marketing efforts on Ireland, due to the presence of numerous smart cities initiatives, the country’s strong development potential, and other favorable factors.


e-SMS was developed by GeoEnergetika d.o.o. and Impedanca d.o.o. (with the co-financing of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional development fund (ERDF)). It represents a global breakthrough in the area of smart lighting. With its real-time collection of – and reaction to – a wide range of environmental parameters at micro-locations, it fundamentally transcends the capabilities of existing solutions, which limit themselves mainly to illumination regulation. In addition, its esthetically refined shape, high level of integration, and compatibility with existing infrastructure allows for uncomplicated placement in urban areas. e-SMS is therefore an IT-supported, energy efficient, and elegantly designed lighting solution that truly illuminates in all senses of the word: it gives light and creates insights about the environment it is placed in.

The open Smart cities management platform, developed by Garex d.o.o., augments e-SMS by seamlessly integrating it into existing smart ecosystems, while offering the capacity for intelligent regulation and control that are underpinned by machine learning and advanced analytics. In addition to its back-end component which allows for efficient integration of devices and systems from different manufacturers, development is also focused on designing a user-friendly front-end system that will help foster informed decisions through transparent and timely presentation of urban dynamics.


PULS is a live project, so be sure to visit this page for regular updates. You are also very welcome to take a look at the project's LinkedIn profile.

In the meantime, if you would like to find out more about the capacities of PULS and how it can help your community, contact us through the form below or write to us directly at: info@geoenergetika.si or info@geolux.si.

The efforts of the consortium partners to enter the Irish market is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project co-financing logos
Project co-financing logos

Inteligentna mestna razsvetljava, ki lahko pomaga mesta in skupnosti spremeniti v jutrišnja pametna središča, mora biti pametna, trajnostna, dojemljiva in prilagodljiva, da se lahko brez težav vključi v obstoječo infrastrukturo.

PULS je bil razvit z upoštevanjem ravno te dopolnjujoče dvojnosti. Inovativni nosilec svetilke, je na voljo v dveh najpogostejših velikostih in omogoča hitro montažo, stabilno kotno nastavitev in enostavno vzdrževanje, zaradi česar je prehod s prejšnjega sistema razsvetljave na novega še enostavnejši.

Skupaj s svojo kompaktno obliko, integriranimi senzorskimi moduli in analitičnimi zmogljivostmi je PULS infrastrukturni sistem, ki vam lahko pomaga nadgraditi javno razsvetljavo vaše skupnosti na novo raven, hkrati pa jo naredi pametnejšo!

Pametna rast, inteligentno upravljanje - PULS.


Kako se lahko posamezne svetilke, ki sestavljajo PULS, celovit sistem urbane pametne razsvetljave, povežejo in med seboj zanesljivo komunicirajo? Uporaba brezžičnih komunikacijskih tehnologij, ki delujejo v frekvenčnih pasovih pod območjem GigaHertz (pod tehnologija -GHz), pomagajo sistemom delovati po predvidevanjih. Zato predstavljajo zanesljivo rešitev pametne razsvetljave za jutrišnja pametna mesta in skupnosti.

Zakaj je izbira protokola sub-GHz sploh pomembna? Ker v nasprotju z drugimi bolj znanimi protokoli, kot sta WiFi in Bluetooth, ki delujeta na frekvencah 2,4 GHz in več, frekvence pod GHz zagotavlja daljši doseg v mreži mestnih okolij, nižjo zahtevano močo delovanja, manj motenj in energijsko učinkovitost.

Pametna rast, inteligentno upravljanje - PULS.

Mesta postajajo vse pametnejša, zaradi česar jih je nemalokrat težje upravljati. Platforme za upravljanje pametnih mest morajo ravno zato omogočati samostojno strojno učenje, meritve v realnem času, avtomatiziran vpogled v zbrane podatke, analitiko in komunikacijo z ostalimi napravami ekosistema pametnega mesta kot celote. 

Trenutno zajemamo podatke o pametnega sistema za razsvetljavo e-SMS na različnih lokacijah po Sloveniji. Pametne naprave, v našem primeru luči, opremljene z različnimi senzorji, s pomočjo omogočajo spremljavo široke palete okolijskih parametrov - temperaturo, vrednosti trdnih delcev, koncentracije CO2 ter gibanje pešcev. Vse v realnem času.


Prilagodljivo in učinkovito upravljanje razsvetljave je ključnega pomena za izpolnitev posebnih potreb posameznih mestnih območij. PULS ponuja prilagodljive ravni osvetlitve z možnostjo dinamičnih in avtonomnih konfiguracij vgrajenega regulacijskega sistema DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) s pomočjo strojnega učenja, ki ga zagotavlja platforma za upravljanje pametnega mesta.

Različni protokoli zatemnitve imajo svoje značilnosti. DALI je odlično orodje za osvetlitev kompleksnih, obsežnih instalacij. Je prilagodljiv, enostaven za programiranje in ponuja popoln digitalni nadzor ravni osvetlitve.

Pametna rast, inteligentno upravljanje - PULS.

Vremenske spremembe v zimskem času predstavljajo nemalokrat očem skrito prometno nevarnost - črni led. Tanke prozorne plasti ledu na cestah je skoraj nemogoče opaziti. Zlasti v prometnih konicah, zgodaj zjutraj in pozno popoldne, ko je zaradi teme zmanjšana vidljivost.

Preprečite nepotrebne prometne nesreče in dodatne prometne kolapse z alarmi sistema pametne mestne razsvetljave. Poiščite kritične mikrolokacije, nevarna alarmna območja in voznike pripravite na bližajoča se območja.

To je le ena od različnih možnosti uporabe pametnega osvetlitvenega sistema in podpiranja lokalne skupnosti z varnostjo na cestah.


Suvremena javna rasvjeta ne samo da optimizira energetsku učinkovitost grada u doba digitalizacije već svojom distribucijom mreže u urbanim sredinama predstavlja optimalnu podatkovnu mrežu koja prikuplja podatke iz okoline, interpretira, uči i potom djeluje prema prethodno dobivenim podacima.

Pametna javna ulična rasvjeta s ugrađenim senzorima za nadzor okoliša pruža gradskim vlastima vrijedan uvid u dinamiku mikrolokacija; njegova prava dodana vrijednost je povezivost interneta stvari (IoT), inteligentna analitika i statistika te automatizirani algoritmi za samoučenje. Međutim, ako se podaci dobiveni senzorima javne rasvjete povežu s drugim pametnim urbanim sustavima u otvorenu, samoučeću platformu, zajednicama i prostorima pametnih gradova također se može učinkovito upravljati.

PULS - sustav pametne gradske rasvjete može biti sljedeći korak ka učinkovitom upravljanju vašim gradom.

#smartcities #innovation #iot #smartlighting #smartillumination



Enlightened localities

Public lighting as the catalyst of smart city management

The environment is inherently local. This means its parameters can vary significantly within relatively short distances. It isn’t uncommon that in larger urban areas the state of the weather or traffic congestion often depends on what neighborhood you find yourself in! A typical example of localized weather is fog, where certain parts of the city can be completely engulfed in mist, while others face no visibility issues whatsoever. And the variability of traffic patterns is well-known to anybody who has ever been stuck in traffic – which is pretty much everybody.

Being able to monitor these variations is important, both for the managers of the city’s infrastructure, as well as to residents and visitors. And this is exactly the point at which PULS, our comprehensive smart lighting system shines. Owing to the mesh-like distribution of public lighting across large urban areas and its ability to gather real-time data at micro-locations, PULS can offer timely information to the relevant city services, as well as the public in order to help improve the quality of city management and well-being.

For example, if elevated levels of humidity that point to the formation of fog are detected, lighting can be selectively dimmed or turned off, thus increasing road safety and realizing additional energy savings. Or, if a significant slowing down of traffic is detected, this information can be used to increase the efficiency of traffic management, establish early detours and help resolve congestions quicker, thereby increasing air quality and reducing harmful emissions. And, because PULS can be paired to advanced machine learning algorithms, with time it can also learn to predict when events are likely to happen and enable city managers to prevent these events pre-emptively. Now, how cool is that?

Grow smarter, manage better – with PULS.

PULS is a joint project between GeoEnergetika, Garex, and Impedanca that is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European union under the European Regional Development Fund.


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